Saturday, 31 July 2010
London Bike Scheme user spotted!
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Friday, 30 July 2010
Nicki Minaj Speaks British accent!
Just because she sampled Annie Lennox she thinks she can do the British Accent...tut tut tut
Listen to the Original here
Nicki Minaj here
to be fair both singles are ok.
Thursday, 29 July 2010
Hammer - Mic Check Remix ft Gracious K, Trilla & Tribal Man
This is the promo video for Hammer's - Mic Check Remix
the 2 Twins in this video are DOUBLE TROUBLE check out their facebook here >>!/group.php?gid=193189736429&ref=ts << for booking and etc
the single features - Gracious K - Migraine Skank, Tribal Man - Tribal Skank and Trilla - 17.50
Good Work Lads!
Wednesday, 28 July 2010
I want to work @ Facebook because of stuff like this....
using the N word like its nothing : (
Ma ma se, ma ma sa,
some rap lyrics...
Speed Boat with my Boat shoes!
Kanye's Swagger is always on point! Chesseeeee
Carhartt x A.P.C
Tuesday, 27 July 2010
Aunt Viv Refused to be Will Smith's Groupie.....
ahhhh now it makes sense Aunt Viv changed half way thru........
Wag1 TV || Hosted By Femi McCool || (Series 2 - Ep.1) is BACK YOU KNOWWWW
Good to see Femi McCool is back with the videos! recording in Wood Green and Oxford Street.
1 thing I have learned from this video is... there are Rosé, Vodka and Cider girls < lmao where are the Ace of Spades/Dom Pérignon girls ?!?!?!?
Make sure you subscribe to Femi McCool Youtube page.....
2 Years to go London Olympics Badge
Thanks Runners Need!
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Monday, 26 July 2010
A brand new exciting Channel 4 reality show is looking for you to take part.
Or even better - just started dating?
Can you keep a SECRET?
We are looking for couples to take part in a new C4 COMEDY REALITY SHOW. If you are in a relationship, or even better - just started dating and still haven't introduced your girlfriend/ boyfriend to your family then get in touch now! You both have the chance to win an AMAZING PRIZE
You need to be aged 18 - 30 years old to take part.
It is crucial that your partner or new date is NOT told he is nominated or you won't be able take part in the show.
An amazing prize up for grabs for those whom we think have what it takes!
If you are interested please contact Contributors@
Or call 0207 202 2493 to be part of this new and exciting show!
Sunday, 25 July 2010
Lupe Fiasco – B.M.F. (Building Minds Faster)
I say a UK rapper should do a version as well!
Saw 3D or Saw 7?!?!?
I hope this 'last' Saw movie wraps up some of the BIG unanswered questions... for example:
Dr Lawrence Gordon

the Best Actor in the whole Saw Series Award goes to
Mark Hoffman

Looking at some of the death scenes in the trailer, the last Saw installment looks like its going a good one...
Here's a couple of my favorite death scenes from the past 6 saw movies!
The Reverse Beartrap - Saw

The Razor Box - Saw II

Saw - 3 < My favorite Saw movie Jeff Reinhart - Trials

- The Freezer Room (She was @ the scene of Jeff's Sons death but feld)

- The Pig Vat (this was the judge who gave Jeff's Sons murderer a light sentence)

- The Rack (he killed Jeff's Son)

- Jig Saw's sidekick also had a test!

Hoffman's Test - Saw IV (Not a big fan of this Saw tbh)

The Fatal Five's Tests - Saw 5 < Featuring Megan GOOD

Saw 6 - Focused on William Easton - he was a Health Care Boss

Best test he had was The Carousel Room

"Do you wanna play a game?"
Saturday, 24 July 2010
Street Fighter X Tekken
I think its confirmed there will be a game with the cast from Tekken and Street Fighter! << very very very coooooooooooool!
Personally I am Tekken till I die!
Check out the full blog post here over @ the Urban Gamer Blog>
Friday, 23 July 2010
Thursday, 22 July 2010
Wednesday, 21 July 2010
OFFICES YESTERDAY!!! Request swiftknight demolition man on 1xtra!!! Send a text to 88111 asking them to play the record!!! PEACE!!
Support British Music!
I've seen this school build up
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Leanne Robinson - Untangle Me
Go On Leanne!
for more info on Leanne check out her facebook group here >!/group.php?gid=201255335968
Tuesday, 20 July 2010
Rich Dad Poor Dad...Free Event
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Monday, 19 July 2010
Eric Thomas On Success < Motivation
Funny thing is he does remind of a Maths teacher I had during my GCSE's... now the teacher is a head teacher apparently for a Inner London School
Like I told my friend Vwarhe...SUCCESS IS THE CATCHPHRASE FROM NOW ON!
Graduating next year I cant wait, need to work my ass off from now till this time next year!
Sunday, 18 July 2010
Saturday, 17 July 2010
The Social Network-Movie (the story behind the founders of Facebook)
Below is a photo of the actors next to their counterpart in real life.

This movie reminds me of....

Friday, 16 July 2010
Wanted: Interviewees is shooting an advertisement that will be uploaded to YouTube and later this year. We are looking for charismatic students who are preferably going into their third year of university or are graduating this summer (although this isn’t vital, first and second year student will also be considered). The experience is good fun, only lasts a short while and it will also look great on a CV! You will need to be available at your university for the shoot sometime over the summer. If you are willing to be interviewed then please get in contact with Mark Towers by emailing with your name, university, degree course and year of study beginning in September (or simply put “graduating”). Regards, |
M.I.A - Galang
Whoooo remembers this Old Skool Tuneee
M.I.A is another one of those Artist I rate very highly not only for her Music and Art but her Political Stance on certain subjects for example on Human Rights
shes done a tune with the (women of the moment) Nicki Minaj >
TEQKILLA (Lost my fone out wiv Nicki Minaj Remix)
Download it here >
Reminds me I need to download

Wednesday, 14 July 2010

Just a few tunes I rate by him highly...Call them his commercial tunes if you like....
He needs to perform @ a festival next year!!! Wireless or Love box or Isle of Wight something like that.....
Tuesday, 13 July 2010
LabrinthTV...'I Just Can't Stop This Feelinggggggggg'
Check out his video blog here....
Labrinth is signed to Simon Cowell's - Syco label which means big things for him
Check out his website ... here >
Good Luck and all the best for the future
Monday, 12 July 2010
Its not my birthday or Crimbo

Sunday, 11 July 2010
Jay-Z And Eminem Perform Renegade Live on Letterman
Just seen this on facebook, posted by Michael, I had to post it up
Such a rare performance....
Saturday, 10 July 2010
Friday, 9 July 2010
Break News!
Spain is going to win the world cup!
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Thursday, 8 July 2010
OMG - Apple iPhone 4 Coming To T-Mobile Soon

Just as my blackberry has started to mess up all of a sudden....
Time to Holla @ my friend @ the T-Mobile shop
BIG BANG BIG BOOM - the new wall-painted animation by BLU
BIG BANG BIG BOOM - the new wall-painted animation by BLU from blu on Vimeo.
nice video, made me look at life differently
Today after work I....

Wednesday, 7 July 2010
The World Cup....Result ! Believe it or not....This world cup is already determined by the numbers....
2. Argentina won its last World Cup in 1986; before that they also won in 1978.Adding 1978 + 1986= 3964
3. Germany won its last World Cup in 1990; before that they also won in 1974.Adding 1974 + 1990= 3964
4. Brazil also won the World Cup in 2002; before that they also won in 1962.Adding 1962+ 2002= 3964
5. Therefore if you want to know what nation is going to win the World Cup in 2010, you only have to subtract 2010 from the magic number that we have determined: 3964.3964 minus 2010 = 1954... In 1954 the World Cup was won by Germany!!
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Tuesday, 6 July 2010
Loudmouth Melvin featuring Pyro Barz - Light Up (Nitevisions Exclusive
After a short break it seems Loudmouth is back with a banger with Pyro, K Nite on the directing sides of things!
....Lightttt Uppppppppppppppp
NB: some bad lingo
ps...big up the A406 crew lol (I went on there for my driving test) tut tut tut
Monday, 5 July 2010
Dubstep video: Hammer - Doing All I Can
keep you eyes on hammer! talented individual....with a purpose!
iPhone 4 versus Canon 7D
iPhone 4 versus Canon 7D from Take Zero Productions on Vimeo.
Is it me of does the iPhone win
SLR members please don't kill me on this post! haha
Dotstar - Shes killing me video
its no more a stick up...shes killlllllllllllllling me!
well done nice quality video
Saturday, 3 July 2010
My First EVER Festival...not the last

Head Liners were - Jay z/The Strokes/Paul McCartney
It was crazy I never really thought in a million years I would be going to a music festival AND CAMPING for 4 days! but I did. I went with a few friends (Jonathan,Joey and James) from school and met up with some friends from uni (Molly, Dave and Dave) there as well.
One year to this week, I met some random guy on the train coming from portsmouth (clearning my university house to get that deposit back) he was coming from Glastonbury Festival he was explaining to me how brilliant festivals were he managed to convince I had to do one! remember this is the year I plan to do some crazy stuff (another blog post)
Day 1 - Thursday moving in day
Was crazyyyy, we got on the train from Victoria nice and early but silly me was messying around with my band AND THEN IT BROKEEEE, so we were very worried about me not getting entry because you know how these people can be funny some times but it was sorted out fairly quickly.
when we got to the IOW (isle of wight) IT WAS RAINING HARDDDD! and we had to set up are tents in the rain (LONGNESS) but we did it, I was happy with my tent from tesco 20 quid nice and cheap :D
then we went to buy some booze only problem was transporting the booze from the minicab to are camp site :O (even longerrr) but we did it.
Only one act was performing on the thursday which I wasn't really interested in but never the less I went to see they were ok.
I only just remembered I could take photos with my blackberry so I went a bit photo crazyyyy
Check out the photos below
Day 2 - Jay Z day!

Kanye runs out on stage and the crowd goes NUTSSS

and played
Day 3 - The Slash Day

Day 4 - Paul Mccartney Day

she went into a big hamster ball and went over the crowd and then she flew over the crowd :O
Justin has some pretty cool photos

Day 5 - Leaving the Island

Portsmouth of course

overall the festival was a very good experience everyone should do I say!
I want to go to another festival this time maybe Reading or even the infamous Glastonbury but ive got at least 11 months to think about that....
for me now its all about doing that placement essay ive had for exactly 12 months to do and do my WBL (dissertation) all due in September fun timesss....time to get serious!
WIRELESS TOMORROW should be fun Jay z and mr Hudson again and no Drake check out I will be doing the Wireless blog post for my friend Fly Prints
Check out his blog here >