I hope this 'last' Saw movie wraps up some of the BIG unanswered questions... for example:
Dr Lawrence Gordon

the Best Actor in the whole Saw Series Award goes to
Mark Hoffman

Looking at some of the death scenes in the trailer, the last Saw installment looks like its going a good one...
Here's a couple of my favorite death scenes from the past 6 saw movies!
The Reverse Beartrap - Saw

The Razor Box - Saw II

Saw - 3 < My favorite Saw movie Jeff Reinhart - Trials

- The Freezer Room (She was @ the scene of Jeff's Sons death but feld)

- The Pig Vat (this was the judge who gave Jeff's Sons murderer a light sentence)

- The Rack (he killed Jeff's Son)

- Jig Saw's sidekick also had a test!

Hoffman's Test - Saw IV (Not a big fan of this Saw tbh)

The Fatal Five's Tests - Saw 5 < Featuring Megan GOOD

Saw 6 - Focused on William Easton - he was a Health Care Boss

Best test he had was The Carousel Room

Saw 2004-2010
"Do you wanna play a game?"
"Do you wanna play a game?"
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