Hows it going everyone ! if you been reading this blog from day 1 'you know i chat some random sh*& lol' there's only a few people who i know who read it...Big you guys up !! 'i don't want to mention no ones names because i may leave someone out'
But its been a year, during this year ive done dumb stuff and some smart stuff ! there were days when i was blogging 2times a day, then there were times i was blogging 2times every month, but iam going to keep up with the blogging, i dont really care if no one reads the blogs i do it because i want to!!
Ive also connected my blog up to my facebook 'so if your reading this from facebook you some times don't see the videos because its on my blog', ive also meet some really cool via blogging been invited to a few events as well, its very interesting !!
But i would just like to say thanks for viewing my blog people !! much appreciated
ive bagged up 10... views which iam shocked @
ive also got some good news i managed to get my self a placement as well in HR (which is the degree i'am doing) i will be working for the whole year. It should be good i will gain some valuable work experience, so i will be graduating in year 2011 and 22 years old :(
iam gonna miss all my peeps in uni !!

ps...that ^ night was a mad night i fort i was going to die in my mates car
But Thanks again for coming and viewing my blog !
here is the link facebookers !! >> http://g2da3.blogspot.com/
'ps...theirs probs mistakes in this blog'
'ps...theirs probs mistakes in this blog'
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