Youngster suffered fatal injuries after box of information leaflets dropped by RAF transport aircraft landed on top of her...
This is so deep RIP !
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Wednesday, 30 September 2009
Tuesday, 29 September 2009
Little Update on my Placement....Uni....Linked In
Its going really well, Ive been there for a whole month. It feels like its only been say a 2 weeks.
Made a couple of friends, i'am getting chatty to top management as well (their all really cool)
The main project I was doing the "E-Staff Handbook" is almost finished so today I had a little meeting with the Recruitment manager and he put to me a new project regarding CRB's and looking at all the polices and procdures which seem really interesting !!
Ive also got a meeting with Hackney Borought Council on Thursday which should be different going to another council and seeing how they work....
But if i was not on placement I would probs be in pompey getting smashed "its freshers week" like the good old day !!
I need to defo go back to pompey to return books, unlock my bike "give it away"
^ all that should be fun !!....
But iam going now i need some sleep .. thanks for clicking on the blog... I am going to try and keep on point with the post's and that !
Ive also jumped on Linked In (social networking site) "So if your on that send me a Message then we will get linked up"
....Stay Safe
Made a couple of friends, i'am getting chatty to top management as well (their all really cool)
The main project I was doing the "E-Staff Handbook" is almost finished so today I had a little meeting with the Recruitment manager and he put to me a new project regarding CRB's and looking at all the polices and procdures which seem really interesting !!
Ive also got a meeting with Hackney Borought Council on Thursday which should be different going to another council and seeing how they work....
But if i was not on placement I would probs be in pompey getting smashed "its freshers week" like the good old day !!
I need to defo go back to pompey to return books, unlock my bike "give it away"
^ all that should be fun !!....
But iam going now i need some sleep .. thanks for clicking on the blog... I am going to try and keep on point with the post's and that !
Ive also jumped on Linked In (social networking site) "So if your on that send me a Message then we will get linked up"
....Stay Safe

| ||||
Monday, 28 September 2009
Orange and Apple?
Orange, the mobile phone company, will announce a deal with Apple to sell its iPhone in the UK
'It just don't go if you ask me'
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'It just don't go if you ask me'
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Sunday, 27 September 2009
Law 21 Play a Sucker to Catch a Sucker – Seem Dumber than your Mark
No one likes feeling stupider than the next persons. The trick, is to make your victims feel smart – and not just smart, but smarter than you are. Once convinced of this, they will never suspect that you may have ulterior motives.
"you get a hi 5 if you have used this, be it in school, college/6th form, uni or the work place"
"you get a hi 5 if you have used this, be it in school, college/6th form, uni or the work place"
Thursday, 24 September 2009
HIP HOP KARAOKE / 9jafunky

Seasoned veteran or casual fan, every performance gets free booze.
Winner gets fame & prizes, and something lovely from Bored
SDM bringing the instrumental heat, we provide the words

Mynaijaunion presents:: *9jafunky *::An Independence carnival rave..!!
Date: October 1st
Venue: Bar Risa Portsmouth
Unit R04, Blvd Buildings, Gunwharf Quays, Portsmouth PO1 3TW
Portsmouth, United Kingdom
Tickets : 7pounds ( Limited )
VIP : 25 pounds ( Limited with VIP service )
Gate Fee: 7 pounds before 11pm
Click Attending on the event page to secure ur entry with your Tickets for just 7pounds before 11pm..For VIP with VIP service..just 25pounds(Limited)..Last entry 1AM on the dot..Call/text now..07901643167 / 07846274112 or email : /
This event is planned to offer you a night of wonders, a night where independence is celebrated, a night where Dj’s will be spinning songs from Afro beats to Funky to hip-hop and mixing it up with swaggerlicious instrumentals, a night where you will meet and see Nicolas Georgakis singing different songs with his magical instruments, a night where you will be able to meet celebrities and have a chat with them live, a night where professional pictures will be taken, a night where Champagnes , Jack Daniels ,Courvoisier, Malibu, vodka…just to mention few, will be seen emptied by able fans, a night where you can make awareness of yourself, your skills, talent, upcoming event and lots more, known to the right people, a night that will give you the opportunity to find your lost, a night where people will dance off their problems and begin a new life with happiness, a night to dance off funky, hip-hop, pure naija vibes mixed with Gingerlicious Afro beats, a night where everyone will feel among, a night where discrimination will end,a night to reunite with friends after a long while, a night that will give you access to make new friends, meet people from different parts of the world..round Europe and the states
For Tickets and infos::: contact or mail :
Phone contacts: 07901643167
This is an over 18's event..NO ID , NO entry
Watch out lots more…coming your way…we know what you like and what you want .::. So we are working hand to hand with the right people…don’t be among those, that will see the review of this historical road block event and say…oooh..had I known…no way..i reject it for I hear you say..i won’t:: yeah..dats wats up::Be dwise1::Be there..!!
Lot’s more coming your way. Check out this event page when convenient. We still got time and lots of stuffs coming your way…
i SO i wana go to this and a Whole load of other parties in Pompey !! but its just not happening : (
these nights are going to be a big ones !!
Wednesday, 23 September 2009
look its those Heads Shoulders knees N Toes guys
video quality is soo on point !!, people are ALREADY hating on the video,
kmt man !!
OFFICIAL VIDEO-Drake Ft. Kanye West, Lil Wayne & Eminem – Forever
As you hopefully know i'am not the biggest Drake fan, but Forever is a 'blooody tune boss' I posted the tune a couple of weeks ago, and look heres the video
I think Drake has taken some advice and not put big busted girls running around (to view that video youtube it) in his music video
but this video is on a 'big man flex' but it seems like Drake and Lebron James 'nba player' are best of friends, there are many basketball photo's and videos of Lebron before he hit nba and other basketball players as well...and if your wondering who is @ the starting of the video its Lebron as well....
and some one tell lil wayne HE HAS WAYYY TOO MANY TATTOO'S
Live Long and Prosper....
I think Drake has taken some advice and not put big busted girls running around (to view that video youtube it) in his music video
but this video is on a 'big man flex' but it seems like Drake and Lebron James 'nba player' are best of friends, there are many basketball photo's and videos of Lebron before he hit nba and other basketball players as well...and if your wondering who is @ the starting of the video its Lebron as well....
and some one tell lil wayne HE HAS WAYYY TOO MANY TATTOO'S
Live Long and Prosper....
Tuesday, 22 September 2009
Monday, 21 September 2009
Sir Alan gets a new 'Margaret'
Big up every one who's a fan of the hit tv show 'the Apprentice' Karren Brady is going to be the Aid to Alan Sugar !! This next series should be real interesting "sorry the photo is not that good"
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Saturday, 19 September 2009
Check out Hammer Hurricane city
Hurricane City THE DRAMA is the FIRST EVER interactive video which showcase's situations and music videos from Hammers HURRICANE CITY EP. Click links in the video and enter HURRICANE CITY!!
(Filmed & Edited By Musical D of U.N Motion)
Dead Man Running Trailer - Tamer Hassan, Danny Dyer, 50 Cent, C1 and Asher D
This is going to be a serious film !!
thanks for the heads up Barnes !
Friday, 18 September 2009
Adidas, Puma kick 60-year feud into touch
Sportswear firms Adidas and Puma are finally going to end a row started in 1948 by their fraternal founders.
'I remember when my product design tutor told me about this back in 6th form' which is a good 3 years ago....
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'I remember when my product design tutor told me about this back in 6th form' which is a good 3 years ago....
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If your not doing anything during the weekend
Make sure you get down to this event happening all over london town..
I think iam going to go Bank of England and ask them what's the deal with the credit crunch and @ the same time ask for a job ! 'I joke I joke'
But no seriously do it if you always wondered 'what does the inside of that building looks like' I know I've done that many times!
Check out the website or type into google 'london open house' or somethink along them lines!!
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I think iam going to go Bank of England and ask them what's the deal with the credit crunch and @ the same time ask for a job ! 'I joke I joke'
But no seriously do it if you always wondered 'what does the inside of that building looks like' I know I've done that many times!
Check out the website or type into google 'london open house' or somethink along them lines!!
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Thursday, 17 September 2009
Alexander McQueen You Lege
Alexander McQueen Leather Parka

ps...If you've got 5 k spear please push it my way
thanks beforehand :D
"i was nearly late for work today" i was soo pissed that victoria line and bakerloo line (blue and brown underground lines) dont make a good match !

ps...If you've got 5 k spear please push it my way
thanks beforehand :D
"i was nearly late for work today" i was soo pissed that victoria line and bakerloo line (blue and brown underground lines) dont make a good match !
MASTERMIND JAPAN - Skull pattern chunky hooded cardigan
Its getting soo cold right now i could do with one of these

But with a price tag of £3190.00 (thats just crazy) and hey were in a recession !!

But with a price tag of £3190.00 (thats just crazy) and hey were in a recession !!
Wednesday, 16 September 2009
Tuesday, 15 September 2009
Michael Jackson Official 'This Is It' MovieTrailer 2009
and Kanye West Apologizes on Jay Leno show
Sunday, 13 September 2009
Better Never Than Late IN G2 'blogging business'

Big up BNTL 'iam kinda late with this one still'
ps....BNTL are one of my influences when it comes to blogging
I just got BB pin'ed this from Akeem, big up Southstar each and everytime!
Only great minds can read this. This is weird, but interesting! Fi yuo cna raed tihs, yuo hvae a sgtrane mnid too. Cna yuo raed tihs? Olny 55 plepoe out of 100 can. I cdnuolt blveiee taht i cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd waht i was rdanieg. The phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid, aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at cmabrigde uinervtisy, it dsenot mtaetr in waht oerdr the ltteres in a wrod are, the olny iproamtnt tihng is taht the frsit and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can sitll read it whotuit a pboerlm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. Azanmig huh? Yaeh and i awlyas tghuhot slpeling was ipmorantt! If u can raed tihs forwrad it.
Very interesting !!
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Very interesting !!
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SWAGGGA 'Nigerian accent' lol
Noir Basic 2010 Spring/Summer Lookbook

The Jackets are aLot !! / the shades are not to bad either !!

The Jackets are aLot !! / the shades are not to bad either !!
Saturday, 12 September 2009
Friday, 11 September 2009
I soooooooooooooo Want a LongBoard
Before last week i never knew what a long board was and i never ever seen in one in my life.
Long story short
I met up with my mate Alex @ the apple store down Regent street to try and get snow leopard for a discounted price 'which didn't work' (alex and i are both using tiger '2007 macbook' and we didn't upgrade to Leopard when it first came out, and NOWW snow leopard has been released i want to upgrade my mac to Snow Leopard but the process is soo long,
as i didn't upgrade when leopard was release i will need to pay £129.90 just to upgrade to Snow Leopard NB: half of the softwear what comes with Snow Leopard i dont even use iWorks and iLife. But if I was using Leopard already all i will need to pay is something like £30 :( 'THERE IS A BIG DIFFRENCE BETWEEN £30 AND £129.90'
if u've been to the apple store with me u will know i just can't help my self but ask questions to the people who work @ apple !!
One lady explained to me why the big diffrence of money between tiger and leopard users !!
'long story short its all under the hood snow leopard is WAY FASTER she said than anything B4 it' (hearing that JUST MADE ME WANT TO GET SNOW LEOPARD)
So me and alex fort to are selfs what is stopping us from just downloading Snow Leopard on to are laptops even if we are still on tiger !!
i must admit alex is a brave man!! he brought the snow leopard !!
sooooo we think what to do now !! Hyde park came into are head because alex had his cam and tripod on him (dont ask me how he fit it in his bag) come to think about it his bag was VERY BIG !!
sooooooo we walked down oxford street I bumped into a few people even Adrian from uni which was a shock !!
we walked all the way past my old work place 'Next' which i miss !!
went marble arch got to hyde park we started recording a documentry of are day !! which kinda messed up... then we just see this person zoom past on a kinda skate board but it was kinda cut into half !! which was real coool, we started just having a chat about London 'how small it is compared to the amount of people who live in london' WHICH IS CRAZY WHEN YOU THINK ABOUT IT
then we see the long board i was like I HAVE TO HAVE A GO ON IT !! so i stoped the person on the long board and got into a conversation with him as well !! i had a go (it took like 10 mins to get the hang of it)
Iam 100% going to purchase one !!
and oh yes BTW Snow Leopard did work on Alex's Macbook pro which is REAL interesting !! (i'am probs going to purchase the £129.00 one)
NB: this post has probs lots of spelling and grammer mistakes !! 'Iam in a rush Derren Brown is comming on TV soon 'iam a BIG fan of his'
Oh this is How Derren Brown did it!!
Just seen this in the Metro this morning!! One youtube user said Derren used a spilt screen so when the balls were announced some one switched the balls around!!
I can't wait till tonight to see how he did it !!!
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I can't wait till tonight to see how he did it !!!
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Thursday, 10 September 2009
Wednesday, 9 September 2009
The Last Days of Lehman Brothers: Tonight @ 9pm on BBC 2

This drama seems very very interesting !!
'On 12 September 2008 the heads of Wall Street's three biggest investment banks are summoned to a late afternoon meeting at the New York Federal Reserve. After six months of turmoil in the world's financial markets, Lehman Brothers, the fourth biggest player on Wall Street, is on life support and the government is about to pull the plug.
As Lehman CEO Dick Fuld waits anxiously in his 7th Avenue headquarters for news from the Fed, US Treasury Secretary Hank Paulson drops a bombshell - Lehman Brothers is not too big to fail and this time there will be no public money for a bailout. After 42 years with the firm he calls the mothership, Fuld's time is running out.
Drama going behind closed doors to tell the story of three days that shook the world.'
Speech DeBelle Wins !!

Well Done !!
I haven't heard none of her stuff but i am defo going to download some now !! via i-Tunes 'of course' lol
Tuesday, 8 September 2009
Passed on Message from Jay Brooks !! 'extras / real people models'
I have two shoots coming up which i need to find extras / real people models. if you or anyone you know is up for a laugh, between 18 and 30 and good to go please mail me a couple of pics with your height and age:
We have £300 - £1200 each model for the day depending on which ad you appear. You must be available Sept 18th or September 24th and may have to come to a casting this Thursday 10th September in Old Street.
Please pass this on to anyone you think may be interested,
Jay Brooks.
We have £300 - £1200 each model for the day depending on which ad you appear. You must be available Sept 18th or September 24th and may have to come to a casting this Thursday 10th September in Old Street.
Please pass this on to anyone you think may be interested,
Jay Brooks.
T-Mobile and Orange Merger
The Times: Deutsche Telekom, the owner of T-Mobile, will pursue a joint venture in the UK with Orange that would create the nation's biggest mobile provider.
Now that will be real interesting !!!!
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Now that will be real interesting !!!!
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Monday, 7 September 2009

Hows it going everyone ! if you been reading this blog from day 1 'you know i chat some random sh*& lol' there's only a few people who i know who read it...Big you guys up !! 'i don't want to mention no ones names because i may leave someone out'
But its been a year, during this year ive done dumb stuff and some smart stuff ! there were days when i was blogging 2times a day, then there were times i was blogging 2times every month, but iam going to keep up with the blogging, i dont really care if no one reads the blogs i do it because i want to!!
Ive also connected my blog up to my facebook 'so if your reading this from facebook you some times don't see the videos because its on my blog', ive also meet some really cool via blogging been invited to a few events as well, its very interesting !!
But i would just like to say thanks for viewing my blog people !! much appreciated
ive bagged up 10... views which iam shocked @
ive also got some good news i managed to get my self a placement as well in HR (which is the degree i'am doing) i will be working for the whole year. It should be good i will gain some valuable work experience, so i will be graduating in year 2011 and 22 years old :(
iam gonna miss all my peeps in uni !!

ps...that ^ night was a mad night i fort i was going to die in my mates car
But Thanks again for coming and viewing my blog !
here is the link facebookers !! >>
'ps...theirs probs mistakes in this blog'
'ps...theirs probs mistakes in this blog'
Sunday, 6 September 2009
Jay-Z and Kid Cudi (Its ALOTTTTT) / INCOGNITO

if you want them send me a message or something
'ps..working 9-5 is hard when i think about it' on the weekends i don't even want to go out but i might just go to this

Friday, 4 September 2009
Jay-Z Advert - Rhapsody - Artistically Brilliant !! *Must See*
This Advert is too much !! he went back thru all his LP's !!
the only one I have is the Black Album and thats only because i stole it off my cousin when she came to visit from the US
Thursday, 3 September 2009
FIFA bans Chelsea
FIFA bans Chelsea from signing players for next two transfer windows after it breached transfer rules.
Pisss... Hahahha!!
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Pisss... Hahahha!!
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Wednesday, 2 September 2009
Funky Dee- Are You Gonna Pass Doe(NEW)(EXCLUSIVE) **NEED TO LISTEN TO**
i will just like to highlight the ones what give me JOKES !!!
Library card / go seminars / meet you tutor / do group work / JOIN ACS BUT ARE YOU GONNA PASS DOH ? -this one is saying alot btw ! /buy text books / meet deadlines...etc
but check out the tune/video ...
I rate Funky dee for this one doh ! props to him
and it don't matter if you get a 1st or 2.1 or 2.2 or 3rd ! you have accomplished a lot by going to uni and finishing ! i'm only half way thru uni and i want to give up uni but i'm NOT !! i am already in alot of debt LOL !
easy.......till next time
oh yeh today i met a real cool person her name is Leila check out her site here
Library card / go seminars / meet you tutor / do group work / JOIN ACS BUT ARE YOU GONNA PASS DOH ? -this one is saying alot btw ! /buy text books / meet deadlines...etc
but check out the tune/video ...
I rate Funky dee for this one doh ! props to him
and it don't matter if you get a 1st or 2.1 or 2.2 or 3rd ! you have accomplished a lot by going to uni and finishing ! i'm only half way thru uni and i want to give up uni but i'm NOT !! i am already in alot of debt LOL !
easy.......till next time
oh yeh today i met a real cool person her name is Leila check out her site here
Tuesday, 1 September 2009
George Clooney to Star in Greatest Movie Ever Made
Just got this email...
Seems really interesting if you ask me!!
'Actor's latest flick, The Men Who Stare at Goats, is based on a true story about secret government project to create psychic soldiers who can kill with their minds'
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Seems really interesting if you ask me!!
'Actor's latest flick, The Men Who Stare at Goats, is based on a true story about secret government project to create psychic soldiers who can kill with their minds'
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Disney bought Marvel
Disney bought Marvel Entertainment in a $4 billion (£2.5 billion) deal that will create an entertainment force as powerful as any super hero
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