I was soooooooooooo Bored so i watched some Big Brother get Luke OUT

then i crossed GEENEUS' myspace big guy in the UK music scene

There's a very interesting interview with Supa D and some other DJ's
about the funky/funky house/dubstep/bassline/grime music scene's
Good reading i must say !!!
Some quotes from the interview :
G - I find the ghetto-y ones, the dingy ones, have better atmospheres. I played an r&b event, with people all dressed up and looking nice and I couldn't wait to get out of there. The atmosphere was dead.
Zinc - People have been playing dubstep records for a while. Marky plays Mr Oizo's "Flatbeat."
S - Mostly CDs, though I know most of those tunes wont have been mixed or mastered. Certain places dont even have decks.
To read the interview click here
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