Wednesday, 30 June 2010
If you have a free 5 mins
Pretty cool I must say I always have my ear phones in on the underground! lets hope my hearing isn't going....
Tuesday, 29 June 2010
The Return of Foot Patrol
I still remember the first time I went into Foot Patrol down St Anne's Court with Elijah and a look a like Nacho Libre was taking photos with members of the public for promo of the movie < good times.
But Foot Patrol is now under the umbrella of yes you guested it JD Sports.
The Foot Patrol store will be Berwick Street - Soho area
Check out the Foot Patrol website here >

Madam Butterfly feat. Griminal - Naughty [[Official Video]]
New music well done Fleur !
The video is NUMBER ONE in the Channel AKA (channel 370 on Sky) Official Urban Music Chart....Please vote by texting 4694 to 81700 anytime and by Freephone on: 0800 612 2467 between 4-7pm weekdays and 1-5pm sat and sun
New Met Line Trains
What's wrong with the met line trains as they are now?
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Monday, 28 June 2010
BET Awards Best and Worst Performance
Kanye West Power -
Ye is such a joker with that enormous Jesus Piece, Hopefully he runs up on stage @ Wireless and performs Power
Chris Brown - MJ
Chris brown we all know your an actor! no need to force it with the fake tears! the way you went down on your knees when the lights came on was prefect well done!
check out the videos here >
Sunday, 27 June 2010
Donaeo. I'm Fly - OFFICIAL Video
Donaeooooooo Donaeoooooo
I am starting to not like funky now, all sounding the same, but its good to see Donaeo still making the professional video's maybe he should do a old skool garage tune something like this
Def Jam Rapstar - new game
It’s a social networking platform in its own right you can use it for building connections, promoting yourself, speaking your mind and even becoming an actual rap star.
Check out the photos below
The music game

Blitz the Ambassador KOSHKA Session - GHANA BLACK STARS Edition
Blitz shows his skills on the Koshkas, a very weird and lovely percussion, to support Ghana’s All Stars at the world cup.
Thank Willber
Saturday, 26 June 2010
Michael Jackson Moonwalk Collection
Ive been trying for well over 10 years, and I still can't do it!
ever since MJ's death I have regretted the day I had a chance to 'perform' with MJ on stage but nooo I had to go to a friends bday and do paint balling << I HATE PAINT BALLING!!! URGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
Friday, 25 June 2010
hoodiebuddie - inbuilt ear phones

the hoodie only cost $44 check out the website >
Wednesday, 23 June 2010
Panorama Racist Estate in Bristol Documentary
I don't know if anyone watched the Panorama documentary about a racist estate in Bristol a while back.
Long story short the two yobs who attacked the two undercover journalists have now been jailed one for ONLY two years and the other 21 months in youth custody! < What's up with the law now days!?!?! That's just wrong if you ask me!
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Tuesday, 22 June 2010
iOS 4 tour [video] < The New iPhone
good video to view if your considering getting the new iPhone....
Shout out to Nigeria
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Just got home
Remember to check them out
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Monday, 21 June 2010
Clement Marfo & The Frontline | TMS Freestyle
Check out Cle doing the thing he does best! and Dion hes not just a rapper hes a drummer.
I want to learn how to play my guitar again!
Wireless Update
barclays sorttt it outttttt
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Sunday, 20 June 2010
ACS Kings and Queens
I purchased a ticket (I know its rare) but all money goes to Sickle Cell Society.
Ross Taker will be doing some of his poetry and G FrSH will be performing with a live band < you can find both of on twitter, the U Got Talent Winner Raheem will be performing as well
I will write a review on the whole event afterwards!
To bad none of the south coast uni's were representing.....
Good luck to the unis-bedfordshire, b\ham, brunel, herts, kent, kingston, roehampton, southbank
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Skillit - I Think You Get The Point (video)
Skillit's work rate is too much at the moment! keep it up bro,
I am loving this video, its a nice simple video, Skillit is slyly telling us he can cook
Saturday, 19 June 2010
Street Fighting Game's Movie Trailers
I am not very sure about Tekken's story line it seems like a lot of fighting and no plot. I can not see Hwoarang any where in the trailer tut tut - I am not even sure if this movie is out yet....if it is I will watch it
But Mortal Kombat on the other hand just looks much better than Tekken and the plot/acting seems better as well.
interesting fact....the same guy who plays Baraka (mortal kombat) plays Eddy (tekken) his name is Lateef Crowder
eazy like e
Friday, 18 June 2010
Thursday, 17 June 2010
adidas Originals - Star Wars™ Cantina 2010 [video]
David Beckham, Daft Punk, Snoop Dogg, Noel Gallagher, HAN SOLO!
It would of been funny if shaggy jumped out @ the end becks and snoop can not act at all!
daft punk are natural actors!
Wednesday, 16 June 2010
The Team I am supporting this World Cup!
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Tuesday, 15 June 2010
Wednesday, 9 June 2010
Brief Hiatus ... pt Trois ... Isle of Wight Festival
Ive done a plan of the acts I will be seeing....check it out here............

I just hope Jay-z is NOT going to do the same performance I will be doing @ wireless in a few weeks!
I will be turning off the emails/bbm < that will help with the crackberry addiction! The new people in the Big Brother house seem like jokers already starting to get on my nurves ! but I know for a fact I will be watching it all summer ! Check out this house mate below! shes a Beyonce look alike :S:S:S:S:S::S:S:S:S

Covering 3 topics I know......
Noooo Chickennn babeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee "No Chicken" KG & Marston
these two are soo funny! their on twitter as well
Monday, 7 June 2010
iPhone 4 unveiled by Apple

"This may be the push I need to be fully Apple blooded"
Steve Jobs revealed the fourth version of Apple's smartphone, the iPhone 4, tonight and said the company was bringing its ebook application, iBooks, from the iPad tablet onto the iPhone.
In a move aimed at cornering the ebook market, Jobs unveiled the new version of the iPhone and showed off its display – which he said could show content so clearly it was virtually indistinguishable from text on paper.
That is a clear threat to Amazon's ebook reader, Kindle, which has struggled to win approval from book publishers despite being launched years before the iPad, which only went on sale in April.
"Five out of six publishers tell us that sales of their ebooks [through Apple] are at 22% right now," Jobs told the company's annual event focused on new technology in San Francisco.
While Amazon has declined to offer sales figures for the Kindle, despite starting international sales last year, Apple has announced sales figures for its iPhone, iPod Touch and iPad at every opportunity. Jobs told the audience that the 100 millionth of those devices would be sold this month.
That presents a huge opportunity for book publishers looking for a platform where they can control prices. Amazon has tried to set prices for ebooks against publishers' wishes, while Apple has given them freedom to set charges; it takes a slice of the retail prices in return for hosting them on iBooks.
The iPhone 4 is less than 10mm thick compared with 12mm for its predecessor last year, the iPhone 3GS. The screen has roughly four times as much detail as before. There is also a front-facing camera, which could be used for videoconferencing, in addition to one on the back for pictures. Jobs called it "the biggest leap since the original iPhone".
Apple is the biggest technology company by market value, having passed Microsoft at the end of last month. Though its shares fell by 1.5% before Jobs began speaking the company's stock has already gained more than 20% during 2010.
The iPhone 4 will be sold in the UK through O2, Orange and Vodafone. It includes a gyroscope and a faster processor similar to that in the iPad. It also offers longer battery life, Jobs said, and uses a ceramic case, giving it improved signal reception.
Saturday, 5 June 2010
Painful Times....
I really don't know....
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Friday, 4 June 2010
Getting fire from work for looking TOO GOOD
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Thursday, 3 June 2010
Wednesday, 2 June 2010
Six websites whose names went horribly wrong :
Who Represents is a database for agencies 2 d rich n famous!
Experts Exchange, a knowledge base where programers can exchnge
advice n views
Looking for a pen? Look no further than Pen Island
Need a therapist?
An Italian Power company
Mole station Nursery based in South Wales:)
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Tuesday, 1 June 2010
Glee and iPad Fans alike....

There's a Glee app where you can sing along with all the tunes!
The app is available here
If you want to have a laugh click on the above link you can hear people singing along with the app from all across the world!
never homo.