Soo I did a twitter quest

a couple of week ago which I was invited to attend, and I had the chance to bring a friend with me and I chose Tarik > and
Long story short we won! woop woop with the help of my friend Nellz and Tarik's mate!
We are still currently in the process of sorting out the price but hopefully that will be done very very soonish
Sooooo the HTC Hero phone,

At first I felt like I was selling out to all my nokia and blackberry friends and family. because I have never had a touch screen phone before.
But I must say it did take some time getting used to the HTC Hero.

For example the twitter app - there were no clear instructions on how to reply to individuals via twitter. So I had to go into my local 3 store and ask them how to reply to people and they didn't have a clue either. I was messying around 1day with the phone then I noticed if you held down on a persons name via twitter a number of options appeared and reply was one.
The image quality is one of the best I have seen to be honest too bad there is not flash feature to the phone.
The day I got the phone I had to make a quick dash to Portsmouth. The phone worked prefectly when I was in Pompey. on the way back me and my friend Chris he was kind enuff to drop me home. I tried out the video camera in the car and it worked really well. the sound quality is very good as well.

When I got back home the little and annoying problem started happening for exmaple the network signal - i couldn't find network anywhere : ( which started to get annoying but as any phone novice will know. all you have to do is move around a little and it worked.
One thing I did like about it there was a page purely for SNS's (Social Networking Sites) So i was signed into my facebook, twitter, linked in, blogger < which was pretty cool I must admit. I didn't have to keep loging into the different sites. The style and design is very very slick! 10 stars on that.
So thats my review on the HTC Hero Phone...
Here are some random photo's from the tweeter quest/phone